Some Common Facts

  • Uneven breasts are very common. Half of all women have them.
  • In 10% of women, one breast is very different than the other. Usually, one breast is smaller and flatter and the other is larger and sagging.
  • As a women get older, the difference between two breasts can become more significant because the small breast tends to stay small while the larger one grows even bigger and sags further with pregnancies or weight changes.
  • This asymmetry or difference between the two breasts can be easily corrected with cosmetic surgery.
  • Severe breast asymmetry can affect a woman’s psychological well being especially in teenagers.
  • Restore a more even shape, volume, and position to the breast mound.
  • Refine the shape and dimensions of the breasts.
  • Correct the discrepancies in the position of the nipple or breast crease.
  • Correct imbalances resulting from mastectomy, family traits, physical trauma, or unsuccessful surgery by another surgeon
  • Makes clothes shopping more enjoyable.

Breast Asymmetry Correction Can

Planning Your Procedure

Each breast asymmetry patient is unique, so Dr. Prashant will carefully examine your medical history,  current shape of your breasts and  talk to you about your expectations before recommending a specific, personalized approach focused on your goals.This will help you plan a procedure that creates the appearance you want.

The most common combination is breast augmentation of the smaller breast and breast reduction of the larger breast. Sometimes, only one breast needs to be corrected. If the smaller breast looks good, we just reduce the larger one to match. If the larger breast looks fine, then we will just place an implant in the smaller breast to achieve symmetry.

Most women have slightly different-sized – or asymmetrical – breasts. However, in some cases the difference in size is much more. In these cases, correction is often needed. The best procedure will depend on several factors, including how you want to balance the breasts.

Recovery Time After Correction Of Breast Asymmetry:

  • You will experience some swelling and perhaps a little bruising for a few days. After the first week, you may resume your normal activities including sexual relations.
  • Most Patients take three to four days off of work.
  • Rigorous athletic activity such as dance or aerobic classes should be avoided for three  weeks after breast surgery.

Nipple Sensation And Breast Feeding

Breast augmentation surgery does not alter the sensation of nipple and breastfeeding is achievable after surgery. With scarless breast reduction you are able to breastfeed.

How Is Asymmetry Correction Performed?

Some techniques used to correct asymmetry are:

  • Augmentation
  • Lift
  • Reduction
  • Reconstruction

Breast asymmetry can be corrected either by augmentation of the smaller breast, or by reduction in the size of the larger one. Both breasts, of course, can also be changed in the same way but to a different extent in order to match their size, shape and overall appearance.


The incision that  Dr. Prashant makes in this procedure are either under the armpit or in the crease under the breast or around the areola. (areola is the pigmented tissue around the nipple )or through the navel. He then lifts the breast tissue to create a pocket in the chest area. It’s either above or below the muscle – and then he places the implant inside the pocket.

Implant type and placement:

Dr Prashant’s immense experience in the design, development, and clinical use of breast implants, enables him to choose from the entire collection of available breast implants. Dr Prashant will analyse your particular situation which will help determine not only which implant best “fits” your situation, but also what incision and technique is best for your individual needs.During your consultation with Dr Prashant he will outline the benefits and tradeoffs of each option before you make the right personal decision unique to you and your body.

Scarless Breast Reduction (VASER LIPOSUCTION)

In this procedure small incisions (as used in standard liposuction) are made in the crease under the breast, in the armpit, and on the border of the areola. With liposculpture then the breasts are reduced in the deep, middle, and superficial layers allowing a reduced breast size and a modest elevation of the nipple level. Scarless breast reduction will allow a more modest looking but significant, reduction in size, as well as a more modest elevation of the nipple with the overall general shape of the breast maintained.

Combination approaches: Since every breast asymmetry is different, some require a more complex approach to achieve satisfying results. In some cases, implants with smaller or greater size or shape differences may achieve the desired results. In other cases, it will be require repositioning the nipple, refining the areola, or adjusting the position of the breast mound through breast lif. This may also include an enlargement as well.

Special considerations: Some women are born with breasts that never develop or chest muscles are not there, or chest bone shapes that are uneven and unsightly. This can become a physical and emotional burden in growing girls of teenage years when breast are normally developing. Surgical procedures in childhood or trauma can also keep breasts from developing normally, and for mature women disease like cancer can result in partial or total breast removal and possible negative changes from radiation treatment.


How long does surgery take?

The length of the surgery depends on the type of surgery you choose, your anatomy and the incision technique. But generally speaking it takes somewhere between 2 to 4 hours.

Will I have to stay in the hospital?

Most of the breast augmentation and reduction surgeries are performed as an outpatient procedure. In this case, you’ll be able to return home within a few hours of the surgery.

Is this procedure very painful?

Breast augmentation stretches the tissues, and hence there will be some pain. This is especially true when the implants are inserted under the muscle, and in young women who have not had children. The pain is the most during first 48 hours, but improves with each day and is somewhat relieved by pain medications. In spite of the some discomfort, most women report that they are very satisfied with the results of the surgery.

What is the recovery period like?

  • You will receive instructions about how to take care of yourself in the first few days. There will be specific instructions regarding changing the gauze and keeping your incisions clean, ideal positions for sleep and rest,about raising your arms, breathing exercises and breast massage.
  • You will feel tired and tender for the first 24 to 48 hours. Your breasts will be bruised and sore—please be prepared to take it easy.
  • Be sure to drink plenty of fluids and be sure to follow your medication schedule.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise for 3 weeks..
  • Avoid heavy lifting or pushing for four weeks.

What is the long-term outcome for most people?

Breast asymmetry correction surgery can help in better fitting your clothes as well as improving the overall look by balancing the breast contours. Though,it’s wise to remember that the pull of gravity will affect a surgically corrected breast over time. However, since the corrected breasts are now more equal in size and weight, they may undergo such changes more evenly.

What are the ideal conditions?

The best candidates for asymmetrical breast correction are 18  years or older, not currently pregnant or nursing. They should be in good physical  and psychological health. They should be willing to improve their appearance and hold realistic expectations and getting the surgery for the first time.